We laughed, we cried, we danced, we freaked out because of the pouring rain throughout the weekend… and so much more! We went through plenty of emotions on Taylor & Yami’s wedding day. As we reminisce on these images and are transported back to this wedding, we can’t help but realize that things always happen just the way they are meant to.
We started the day as we tend to start a wedding day: capturing getting ready shots of the bride and groom, arranging photos with the bridal party, and making sure we document any significant emotions that anyone is feeling. As we were packing up our things to head to the venue from where the girls were getting ready, it started completely storming outside. It had rained throughout the weekend, and had been sprinkling in an out that morning, but in this exact moment.. it was full on storm.
Thankfully, we had experienced this before and knew it was just a matter of time before the rain eventually died down and allowed us to take photos outside. We quickly shifted the photography timeline to accommodate certain shots to be moved to a later time, and did our best to continue to capture what we needed in the meantime.
Sure enough, after the ceremony, the rain had settled and cleared and we were able to get everything we needed! It’s funny how everything always works itself out, isn’t it? The Bryan Museum had plenty of spaces that we could walk around in that had concrete and flooring, so we were able to take outdoor photos without stepping on the grass, which was obviously wet and not ideal to step in. The fabric and length of Yami’s dress was perfect in the sense that even if the bottom parts got wet in any way, not only did it not ruin the dress at all, but you couldn’t tell! Like I said.. everything always works itself out!
At the end of the day, we were able to capture everything we wanted to, and more. The reception was full of fun moments and incredible memories were made. Taylor & Yami’s families celebrated them until the last possible second. By the end of the night, all we could do was be grateful that we get to play a part in capturing their story. We often chat with family members, see our couples interact with their friends, capture their tears, laugh when they laugh, and celebrate alongside them.
It was a true honor to witness and capture Taylor & Yami’s wedding day, be there for every moment of their day, and deliver these images that will stay with them forever!
We hope you enjoy viewing some of our favorite moments and as always, leave us a comment below with your thoughts!

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